Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

How to Make Money in the “Make Money Online” Niche Even if You’re a Total Rookie

There are two methods for making money in the “make money online” niche when you’re new, you’re broke and you’re just getting started.

How to Make Money in the Make Money Online Niche Even if You’re a Total Rookie

The first one is to fake it until you make it. Fake screenshots, fake your income, fake your expertise and hope no one notices. The problem is, someone is guaranteed to notice – you. And who wants to start a business as a faker? Hopefully not you. It doesn’t feel good, for one thing. It probably messes with your head and makes you doubt that you will ever be a REAL success.

Instead, try method #2: Be real. Instead of selling “how I made $100,000 in 30 days” type of info, sell tools. Or be an affiliate. Or start a blog and give your opinion. And let others watch as you build your business for real.

Let’s look at each of those.

First, sell tools and be an affiliate. This means offering software and info that you are either using or find to be valuable. Give your opinion and why it’s worth buying. Be sincere. Don’t offer junk. This is your good name and reputation you’re building.

Next, start a blog and give your opinion. Yes, some will say you have no right to have an opinion until you’ve made $1,000,000 in the business, or whatever. Who cares? When you’ve made a million they’ll still be saying that. And they’ll still be broke, too.

People like to read opinions. You’ll resonate with some, and those folks will become your loyal followers and customers. The rest? It doesn’t matter.

Lastly, let others watch as you build your business. People who want to start a business are fascinated to watch others do it. Those who already have like to help out those who are trying.

So by being real, by being honest, by showing what you’re doing, how you’re doing it and the results you’re getting, you’ll get even more loyal followers. And you might just get a helping hand now and then as well.

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